Better Dental Office Days For All
Better dental office days are here for you now. Right here. Right now. At this exact moment. There is no need to wait for an end to our global pandemic. Or even a vaccine or cure. What we experience within our dental office each day is within our control. At least much of what we experience. Our attitudes and our response to what appears for us we own. And we can change anything we like within ourselves.
Optimism is contagious! Maybe not quite as contagious as COVID-19. Because we can’t pass optimism along with a sneeze or a handshake. If only! But there are some things we can do to keep our dental teams and our patients coming back. And coming back with a smile and desire to spend time with us.
Customer Service For All!
What do you think of when you hear “customer service“? I hope you think of a good experience you might remember. Perhaps a time when someone within a business was kind to you. Maybe at a time when you felt you needed a little special attention too. And don’t we all need a little special attention today? We can begin with ourselves and our teams. With a greater sense of appreciation and gratitude for our own lives and for those of our teams, we begin to take a step forward. A step forward to better dental office days.
Spread this same appreciation and gratitude around! With each patient phone call and interaction, create smiles. Create smiles that well up from within. Yes, we want those outward smiles to reflect our tremendous dental gifts and talent. We want others to see our handiwork, for sure. So, let’s give our patients something to smile about. And keep them coming back. My Dental Office Reception Manual is just one fabulous downloadable e-book within my Dental Administrative E-Book Bundle. And this is a great manual for everyone on the team to share and talk about. Take a look at how your team can better make bigger and brighter smiles in your community!
Better Dental Office Days With Better Schedules
Better dental office days are more likely when we create better schedule templates. And we want a schedule that meets the needs of our unique practice. Because our practice is a living, growing business, we must make adjustments from time to time. Who knows, we may even experience a world wide pandemic in our lifetime! (Who would have thought!!) And have to rethink everything that we do! But, that’s okay. We are creative, imaginative beings. And we can create a work-around for anything if we put our minds to it! We’ve got this.
How do we begin to tackle our schedule and create templates? I’ve got just the guide for you! My Advanced Dental Block Scheduling Guide is just one more tool within the e-Book bundle I want you to see. This guide walks the team through the steps necessary to create the schedule your dental practice needs. And when you see the template needs an adjustment, you can do just that. Call a time out with your team and regroup! See for yourself what is inside this block scheduling guide.
Better Dental Office Days With Better Financial Presentation
Patients are more likely to schedule their necessary dental treatment with solid financial presentation. If there is confusion with treatment or financial presentations, patients may hesitate to schedule. There are several things we can do to help our patients feel more confident with the dental treatment they need. And you might be surprised at what those things are! Because our body language and tone are much more important than what we actually say.
Now, don’t get me wrong here! Our words do have merit. But with just a few additional tips, the team will see more success with scheduling. And yes, one more downloadable e-book for you within the Admin Bundle. This e-book brings a focus just on better dental financial presentations. In fact, that is the name of this e-book. Check it out here!
Better Dental Office Days With Better Business Systems
Better dental office days are smooth and easy. Everyone on the team knows what to do and how to do it. But this doesn’t happen without a plan. And our business systems are our plan! Combine your dental practice business systems with solid training and you’ve got it! So, you definitely need training tools for the team!
Dental Front Office Weekly Management Systems are just what you need. Because this is how you will get where you want to go. The business systems are the road map to lead the team and the practice to success.