Consistent Dental Hygiene Schedules Require Strong Patient Relationships
Consistent dental hygiene schedules require one main theme. Get to know your patients well! Then, you will be on your way to maintaining a consistently full dental hygiene schedule!
The importance of relationship building between the hygiene schedule coordinator and the patient is a critical first step. In building a relationship, the hygiene coordinator learns valuable facts and information about each patient that will definitely help secure a solid hygiene schedule.
Communication Preferences
How do patients prefer to be contacted for appointment confirmation or schedule changes? We gather home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, work numbers, and email addresses.
Everyone has a different preference and their own way of doing what they do. Respect and honor the differences in people and ask how each patient would prefer to be contacted for appointment confirmations and any schedule changes.
Consistent Dental Hygiene Schedules Require We Know How to Best Reach Our Patients
Always have 2 points of contact for your patient: It is best to have 2 preferred methods of contact for your patient and let them direct you.
The first primary method of contact is where the patient can most likely be reached during the business day.
Secondly, we have a backup plan. Text, phone, and email options.
It's All About Communication
Which of our patients can be moved forward to fill an open appointment that might have happened on short notice?
Wouldn’t it be nice to not feel panic when a hygiene appointment opens up at the last-minute? It happens. Cars break down unexpectedly. Work schedules change without warning. People get sick and so do their pets.
Consistent Dental Hygiene Schedules
Require Us to Know Things
Knowing which patients live or work near the office, have a flexible schedule, or no insurance limitations on frequency brings possibilities! As we are talking with patients and getting to know them, it is great to store some information in your brain about their schedules where they are actually located.
This is extremely helpful information when unexpected schedule changes occur. A quick glance ahead at scheduled hygiene appointments, might open up some ideas on who could be called and moved forward with a moment’s notice!
The Critical Short-Notice Call List
Create a binder or folder for your call list. Or you could use an excel spreadsheet. Whatever works best for you and your practice.
It must be easily accessible. And easy to jump to the dates or times you need to fill. Managing this incredible tool is critical. Keep it current and up to date. Accuracy saves time and energy!
How Do We Manage Those Short Notice Reschedule Calls?
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