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Dental Front Desk Stress Removed!

Reduce Dental Front Desk With My Weekly Management Systems

Dental Front Desk Stress Can Be Intense!

Dental front desk stress doesn’t have to weigh you down or keep you up at night. It can seem like there is a tremendous work load every day.  The phones ring non-stop.  And patients call to reschedule appointments.  Now we have an open appointments to fill.  But we have statements to send.

Work-place stress is no joke.  It can take a toll on your health, both physically and mentally.  In order to take care of your patients and your practice, you need help.   You need help to care for yourself.  My very own dental administrative weekly management systems will help!  Organize your dental front office and the stress decreases.

A huge stack of white papers next to a woman holding her head. She has tremendous dental front desk stress.

Reorganize & Refresh

Dental front desk stress is often a cry for re- organization.  It’s understandable.  There are a lot of tasks to do here! And you are probably missing solid systems.  I have taken all of the dental front desk systems and broken them into small, manageable pieces.   These pieces can then be tackled within a specified period of time!

Dental Front Desk Stress Removed Systematically

The result is a completed task rather than a growing pile of things to do!  A growing pile of things to do can cause stress at the dental front desk.  And if you look at this pile grow and grow, you just want to cry!

Fitting tasks into the day might feel impossible.    There is just no time to call insurances about unpaid claims.  Unscheduled hygiene patients really should be called someday, and when are we going to send patient statements?

Let's Dig Out!

When I am feeling stressed, the last thing I want is something else to do!  You might be thinking that taking a course to show you how to organize your dental front office is more stressful.

Let me assure you, this course is not stressful at all!  In fact, each unit is designed to fit into your day very easily!  Here’s how it works.  You simply read through your assignment for your dental front desk each day, and then set out to get it done.

Different days of the week, and different weeks of each month are given special assignments.  It is totally manageable and will simplify your life at the dental office.  It will reduce the stress at your dental front desk.

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