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Dental Patient Insurance Conversations

Dental Patient Insurance Conversations Improve With Knowledge

Dental Patient Insurance Conversations Simplified


Dental Patient Insurance Conversations Handled With Confidence and Competence Build Patient Trust

Dental patient insurance conversations are a daily occurrence in our dental practices.  Patients ask questions like, “Do you take my insurance?”.  And may say “I only want to do what my insurance covers.”  Does this sound familiar?  These are just a few examples of conversations we have.  So, how do we begin to reply in a way that is helpful to our patients?

As always, we begin with the end in mind.  Our end goal is to help our patients accept treatment.  To accept treatment is to schedule and pay for their necessary care.  And we can do this with greater efficiency and proficiency.   Want to know the secrets?  Great!  It’s really quite simple.

Come Into Agreement First

Let’s line up with our patient first.  We want our patient to really feel like we are on their side.  The dental practice isn’t out to take their money.  The dental office team truly wants what’s best for the patient.  But this feeling of trust begins when our patient feels we are on their side.  So, find a way to line up and agree with your patient with words and body language.


What does that sound like?  Here are some words to help you out here.   “I’m glad you have some insurance benefits to help you.  We’ll help you maximize all the benefits available to you.  Let’s work together to be sure we do that.  And let’s also not allow your insurance benefits to keep you from receiving the care that you need.”

Dental Patient Insurance Conversations Clarified

Dental patient insurance conversations must be confident yet calm.  We certainly want to avoid sounding like a pushy salesman.  And are most successful when we genuinely care.   When we understand insurance benefits and terminology, we better help our patients to do the same.  But we need the entire team on board.   Dentists, hygienists, assistants, and administrative team members all need to know.

Confusion in the office on patient insurance benefits creates confusion in treatment acceptance.  When we all come together and work together, the results are truly astounding.  However, this is the number one area where I receive cries for help from dental office team members.



Build Confidence and Clarity

Knowledge is the key to build your team confidence and clarity.  Dental insurance isn’t the enemy.  Lack of knowledge and understanding is the barrier.  But one that is easily overcome.  As we move into a time when patients might be even more concerned with dental benefits, let’s help them more.

Understand the terminology and the workings.  Embrace your patients’ desires to utilize their benefits and move beyond those barriers.  The most successful dental practice I worked with didn’t accept any PPO insurance plans.  That doesn’t mean you can’t.  It simply means, that we set our own path in dentistry.  And insurance benefits may be helpful in bringing patients to our office.  What happens next, is up to us.

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