Dental Office Holiday Weeks Are Fun
Dental Office Holiday Weeks are fun. The holiday brings a little change to our usual repetition of tasks.
Specifically, I refer to short work weeks in this article. Those weeks when a holiday falls somewhere in our work schedule. And we work 3 or 4 days rather than our usual 4 or 5.
Reduce Your Expectations
First, don’t try to get what you normally accomplish done in fewer days. Except maybe your office production. Set up your block schedule to reach your production goals well before the holiday.
Remember to save blocks and time for your emergency patients as well. Because there is always a little panic that hits the fan.
Dental Office Holiday Weeks Preparation
Then, consider the days following your holiday. Be sure to allow time for more emergency care when you return.
Confirm appointments well in advance. Remember to avoid scheduling a patient who is prone to reschedule short notice for the day after a holiday as well.
Keep It Simple
Work through the daily special assignments within my Weekly Management Systems for the days the office is open.
Let go of those special assignments for the days the office is closed. There is plenty of time to catch up when you return.
Dental Office Holiday Weeks
Catch Up
Collections and payment entry are always a big consideration. The longer we are out of the office, the bigger our mail pile!
Just a day or two out of the office is manageable. Anything more may require a plan of someone working in the office to open mail and enter payments. Perhaps even respond to phone messages.
Document Your Holiday Processes
Whatever your process is for holiday and vacation days, document the process and systems. Both for days the entire office is closed and for individuals.
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