Improve Dental Front Office Efficiency and Productivity Now!
Improve dental front office efficiency and you also improve productivity. It sounds so simple! It really isn’t as hard as you might think.
Let’s Reorganize!
You might be thinking that it is going to take a miracle to organize your day at the dental front office. Are you feeling tired? How about stressed out? Does it seem like you just can’t breathe? And maybe things just aren’t getting done!
Some Simple Tools
You can change it all today! I can’t change it for you. But I can definitely share some tools with you to help to make it happen.
Weekly Management Systems
Weekly Management Systems guide you day by day and show you how to get it all done! And complete tasks with less stress. Tasks that were always on the “one day” list are now checked off in a timely fashion.
Become the Circus Master!
The dental office front desk can feel like a circus at times. Maybe even a 3-ring circus! With different acts going on in different parts of the office. Somehow, we’ve got to bring it all together.
Improve Dental Front Office Efficiency and Productivity
We need a strong hygiene schedule every day! And our collection numbers at 100%. And we especially want to go home at the end of the day feeling we accomplished something great!
Create Your Action List
Customize your dental front desk systems. Make a detailed list of each individual task to be performed monthly at your dental front office.
For example:
- Patient Billing Statements
- Hygiene Reactivation
- Call On Unpaid Insurance Claims
- Inactivate Patients Who Are No Longer Active
- Review Credit Balance Report
- Contact Patients with Overdue Balances
Convert Monthly Tasks into Weekly & Daily Assignments
Your monthly task list might be a little different. Positions vary. Offices vary. Take the time to make a great list that suits you! But I now have a question for you to consider about your monthly task list.
Are each of these individual monthly tasks consistently being completed each and every month? Could there be claims on the insurance ageing report that never get called on? But maybe you will try to do it next month? How is your hygiene reactivation and recare system working?
Would you like a way to complete each and every task in full every single month? Weekly Management Systems take monthly tasks and turn them into daily and weekly tasks. Then, we have a daily checklist rather than a monthly to do list.
Put Your New Schedule to the Test
Put your new plan into action. You’ve created your list and your schedule. Work to complete your special assignments early on in your day.
It might take you 90 days to feel like you have a solid system in place. The important piece is to just keep at it. You only fail if you totally give up. Make adjustments and corrections as necessary.
Create Better Dental Office Days!
The best part about improving dental front office efficiency, is the way it will make you feel! Sure, you’ll find it easier to meet production and collection goals. But better yet, you will feel accomplished, empowered, and will love checking things off your “to do” list!