Dental Office Month End Completion
Dental office month end can bring a sigh of relief! Especially for the dental front office team. As this marks something that is finished. An end has come. And something new is about to begin. But it can be especially rewarding for the administrative team to experience this completion. Let me explain.
One fairly new dental administrative professional explained this to me. She described her frustration with the feeling of never being done. And how uncomfortable she was leaving unfinished tasks at the end of her day. There was always one more thing to do. And another task she could do. In fact, she could stay forever. If she really wanted to.
Celebrate Success
This is where Weekly Management Systems truly help. And also a dental front office daily checklist of some kind. Both of these printouts and downloads provide the dental administrator with a sense of completion. So be sure to utilize these two items to help support your dental front office team. It’s more than just a list of things to do. These documents are emotionally supportive as well.
Month end numbers provide the same feeling of completion. Each new month provides a new beginning. An opportunity to improve one number or area of concern. And also the time to celebrate each area of success. Celebrating success is just as important if not more than looking at where we need to improve. As we always create more of what we focus on! So, let’s create success!
Greater success with less stress!
My Dental Front Desk Weekly Management Systems Guides Your Team Through Every Administrative Task Each Day, Week & Month
With a Clearly Outlined Plan Included in The Dental Practice Operational Manual to Guide You
Dental Office Month End Tracking
Hopefully, you have some sort of tracking system in place. And the dental front office is able to monitor and record these numbers. The dental practice will see much more success with solid tracking systems in place. And the front office team will be able to take pride in a job well done. As well as notice if something is going in the wrong direction quickly. Many times even before the month comes to a close.
Compare month to month. Watch what is improving and what is declining each month. It’s also a good idea to compare quarterly results. A different perspective on trends and overall functioning is achieved with quarterly comparison. And then be sure to also compare year end numbers with the previous and the following years.
These monthly reports show allow us to feel a sense of accomplishment, yes! However, these spreadsheets and monthly reports also show us where our dental practice systems and administrative teams may need a little more support. You’ll find tremendous resources here to help you and your team grow your practice!
What to Track in Dental Office Month End Reports
Are you wondering just what to track? How about everything?? That’s just me, though! Because I want to know how it all is going. But you can always start with just some basic numbers. Basic numbers include production, collection, and new patient numbers. And if you have seen my monthly monitors, you can see I track so much more than that!
Track everything you wish to improve! If you decide you would like to schedule more whitening procedures, track those! Or maybe you would like to schedule more implant procedures. Track those numbers separately. Truly track what you want to improve. And you will see more of what you focus on!
Have fun with it! Build onto your reports as you go. Be sure to share these with your entire team too. Maybe plan a special get together each month to celebrate another job well done! And toast to a new month about to begin! Cheers!!