Individual Dental Team Meetings Why
Individual Dental Team Meetings build better teams. They open the doors to communication and break down barriers. Clarity grows as does trust and compassion.
These meetings offer one-on-one time for the dentist or practice manager to meet casually with individual team members. In a larger practice, team leaders might meet with individuals.
Keep it Casual
Consider an hour’s lunch together during a work day. But come together with a plan.
Schedule a date routinely and keep it! Make this a priority and watch how much your team truly opens up and performs beyond your expectations.
A Time to Listen
A Time for Listening
Ask your team member what they might like to talk about. Find out what is on their mind. What might they need help with? Where do they feel stuck?
This is a time to truly be present and listen to what work life is like for them. Uncover and discover where you might offer support.
Individual Dental Team Meetings How Often?
Once each quarter is a good schedule to reach for with each individual team member.
This is separate from their annual review. And is not the time to make corrections or adjustments with roles or responsibilities.
Keep Other Meetings Too
Individual dental team meetings are not meant to replace weekly business meetings. And we want to maintain the morning huddle routine too.
These one-on-one sessions are very different from any other meeting. Different meetings that each serve a very different purpose.
Individual Dental Team Meeting’s Focus
Try to lead the team member to share just one area of concern for this meeting. With only an hour to meet and to eat, it’s best to stay on track.
So, in advance of the lunch meeting, ask your team member to come prepared with one area of frustration. What is causing them most distress at the present moment?
Keep it Going!
Make the quarterly individual team meetings part of your team culture. And let your team know when they can expect to meet and with whom each quarter.
Document this as part of your Dental Practice Operational Manual. Even include a calendar and schedule for everyone to be in the know of what is happening and when!