Missed Dental Phone Calls in Your Practice
Missed dental phone calls are lost production. I recently read an article that said 87% of new patients who call a practice don’t schedule an appointment. Because they are put on hold, roll over to voicemail, or just don’t like their greeting.
How does your dental practice rate with missed calls? Do you have any calls that roll over to voicemail during open hours? Or do you hear your office team answer the phones with “Please Hold”?
What You Don’t Know Hurts You
So now you know! And can turn this around in your practice. Where do we begin. Phone training. Yes. But it’s more than phone training. Because we can know how to manage phones very well and still struggle.
Why? Because our other business systems are unorganized and chaotic. The more efficient the dental administrator is, the more time they have for top notch patient care!
How Many Administrators?
Missed dental phone calls might mean your practice needs more people. Some experts say that one administrator is necessary for every $350,000 – $400,000 in production. I disagree.
Greater efficiency and training changes everything. Better training and solid business systems reduce the need for manpower hours. And improves our overall customer service in dentistry.
Train Before You Hire More
So, before you decide to hire more people, train those you have. Improve phone skills as well as your scheduling, collections and overall business operations.
You’ll find the tools you need right here. Begin to implement my Weekly Management Systems and Phone Training tools immediately. And find your new patient numbers climb with production and collection numbers!
Your Reputation is on the Line
Missed dental phone calls are costly to your reputation as a dentist. Our phone greetings do brand our practice and our professional reputation. That alone is reason enough to train the dental team in phone greetings. And to be sure we never miss a single call!
Negative online reviews negatively impact the dental practice for a long time. And people like to talk. Be sure you give your callers only positive things to say about you. And make it so positive, they encourage their family and friends to see you as well!