Dental Practice Monthly Management for Front Office
Dental Practice Monthly Management is something we get lots of practice with in our dental business. Because it really is much of the same each day.
Which has it’s pros and cons.
On the Positive Side
On the positive side, we can get really good at what we do. Practice does make perfect. When we are mindful and work with good intent, the daily routine comes naturally. And we can spend our energy on patient experiences and team building.
What’s Wrong?
Then there’s the possible negative outcome. If we miss some things each month, we might find ourselves confused, tired, and burnt out.
So, here are a few things to keep in mind to enjoy better dental office days where you are.
Appointment Confirmations are Critical
Our priority in dentistry is to have every appointment filled each day. We need our patients to show up and to be on time. Never underestimate the importance of appointment confirmations.
It can be easy to grow weary of appointment confirmations when they are managed manually. Especially in a large office with several providers.
So, consider handling your appointment confirmations through an automated system you can customize and use with ease. I highly recommend Lighthouse 360.
Dental Practice Monthly Management Tip
Here’s a few confirmation tips and pointers for you. Confirm all major restorative and production appointments in person. Give these appointments priority and confirm them early in the day. Complete these confirmations 2 business days in advance.
Hygiene Appointments
Hygiene appointments should be confirmed both two weeks out and two business days in advance. These are best done with technology and automation.
Also include your non-productive appointments in your restorative schedules in your automation.
Then, there are those hygiene appointments that are scheduled for next month. In the beginning of each month, send out reminders via text, email or a fun postcard to remind patients of their upcoming hygiene appointments.
That’s A Lot!
Yes, that’s a lot of confirming. It’s absolutely worth the investment. And with technology, it’s a breeze!
Work Collections Weekly
Secondly, keep your collections in check. A quick way to do this is to look at your total outstanding accounts receivable each month. The total amount of patient balances and outstanding insurance claims. Do not include credit balances in this number.
Now compare what’s outstanding in your office to your average monthly production. Everything is okay as long as your total accounts receivable is less than your average monthly production.
Dental Practice Monthly Management Systems
Weekly Management Systems are the best way to stay on track with collections. Daily patient statements and weekly follow up on unpaid claims and patient balances are best.
With consistency and discipline, you’ll find this too becomes routine and quite easy. Collections can be simple and stress-free. As long as we stick to the plan. Weekly Management Systems is best.
Remember Your Credit Balance Report
Just one more quick tip to keep in mind. Your credit balance report is important too. And this is something often neglected by dental practices. Many don’t even know it exists. Or just how important it is.
Run this report near the beginning of each month. Audit accounts with credit balances and be sure to issue refunds and adjust accounts as quickly and cleanly as possible.