Interviewing Dental Office Candidates
Interviewing dental office candidates is one of my favorite practice management tasks! I truly enjoy the recruiting process a lot.
If you have been following my blog over the years, you may know what I’m about to say. So, here goes…
I like to begin with the end in mind! No surprise there, right?
Writing Your Job Ad
We typically begin recruiting with a job ad post. But how do we create the job ad that draws the ideal candidate to us? By pulling from our vision and mission statements! And describing the ideal candidate in detail.
Chat GPT is helpful in creating the basic outline and job ad that we can work from. But then we want to edit the outline adding our own flair and company brand to the job post.
Does Your Dental Practice Use an Operations Manual ?
How do You Train Dental Customer Service Systems ?
Interviewing Dental Office Candidates Well
Resumes are screened and sorted and I call my top 3 candidates for interviews. Many of my interview questions are pulled directly from my operations manual and customer service training systems.
First and foremost, I want to know that my new hire will comply with company policies and also that they are pleasant to work with. Can the candidate follow the rules and play nice?
What About Appearance and Presentation?
Additionally, before every job interview, I send the applicant our company dress code requirements. And I ask them to dress as if they were coming to work for their first day.
Dress codes are also part of my Dental Practice Operations Manual, so I simply copy and paste the section on dress code that applies to their position.
And I word the email with an opening line of “To insure your interview goes really well, I thought I would give you a sneak peek at our company dress code policy. And if you could please, dress for your interview as if it’s your first day on the job! We look forward to meeting you!”